Saturday, September 27, 2008

Trashing Amanda's Dress

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I am editing these right now and am so excited I can barely hold it in! Here are my fav's so far. I've gotta go lay these tired bones down. Who said photography was easy??

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A few from last weekend

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I didn't post them on the blog right away. I'm getting to it! lol! Last weekend I had the privilege of seeing the Faught's again and meeting Colten for the first time! Check out some of my fav's

Look at those chubba-wubba legs! I giggle every time I see this one

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Wilson Wedding

So it's 12:47 am and I just have to share a shot from the Wilson wedding today. I started the day at a little after 9 this morning and got home at midnight. This is officially my longest wedding ever. And I can honestly say I loved every minute of it! Just wanted to post a quick pic that I fell in love with, then I'm off to bed. And of course I put an artistic flair to it :) Not sure if this will be the final copy, but I do love playing around with them.

It's now Sunday evening and I've made it through about a 1/3 of them, and you know I picked my favorites to edit first! Here are a few more that really make me love this job! You know, if I could have a couple like this every weekend I think I would be in heaven.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sarah & Tony's E Session

For the uninformed, an E session is.................wait for engagement session! Which I absolutely love to shoot. Contrary to family sessions, you get to spend time with couples who actually WANT to be together. I kid, I kid!! All jesting aside, Sarah and Tony are great. Photogenic, great personalities - what else could a photographer ask for? Here are some of my fav's from yesterdays session. Okay, they're all my favorite, but since I HAVE to narrow it down....................

Seriously, folks, don't they look in love??!! I love it!!
And thank you, Sarah and Tony, for trusting these memories to me

Well, I'm officially a blogger

Mark the date down, folks! lol! I was looking at the website the other day, uploading new galleries for clients, checking the pricing structure (all those absolutely boring mundane things that must be done from a business perspective) and I realized that while my website shows my work, it doesn't show ME. Not to mention that it is boring as all get out to maintain. So thus the birth of the blog. Now calm down, the website is not going away nor is it going to "sleep" on some dusty corner shelf in the local corner store. I just have now added a fun, creative outlet! Cause you know it's all about the art. I enjoy the creative process of photography. Not so much the downloading, uploading, html, sql, meta tags, ftp (ohhhh how I hate the ftp), backing up files, backing up again, backing-up-just-one-more-time-cause-ya-never-know. Yeeaaahh....I don't even know what half those terms mean, I just threw them in there to sound knowledgeable. But now I can pop a new shot up to share in an instant. Prospective clients can now "meet" me before deciding to book. Current clients can catch up on the lastest news. I can show off the shots that make me go "awwwwwwwwww". Yay for blogging!
This is a no-holds-barred, close-to-complete and almost-always-honest depiction of my life as a photographer. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll wonder why on earth you just wasted five minutes of your life reading this. Save the web address and enjoy. It can only get better.